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Imaging Plate Systems

CS 7600
The intelligent system that's designed for shared use.

With a fully automated workflow that's ideal for multi-user practices, the CS 7600 sets a new standard for imaging plate systems. Featuring Carestream Dental's "Scan & Go" technology, the unit automates tasks so that mistakes become a thing of the past.

The CS 7600 features a more intelligent workflow that improves multi-user experience. Our "Scan & Go" technology allows you to electronically identify plates prior to an exam. The plates have an electronic chip that attaches the patient's information to any associated images. During the scan, the system automatically recognizes these images and sends them to the appropriate computer and patient file without any interaction with the user. Plates can be scanned in any order with no worries of mix-ups or user error, and plates are automatically erased and available for reuse once they are scanned.

The CS 7600's built-in color monitor provides clear, easy-tofollow instructions and messages, as well as the ability to preview images directly on the unit for instant feedback on the success of the exam. The unit can even detect whether a plate is inserted upside down without erasing the image. And, the unit's built-in memory protects against data loss, so you can continue scanning if your computer is off or you experience network failure.

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