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Semi-Dry Suction

The semi-dry suction is a system that allows the use of a single discharge conduit for air, liquid and solid components while avoiding backflow of liquid through the spittoon.
The semi-dry suction systems do not need separators in dental units indeed aspirated liquids run through the entire circuit and are drained into the engine room.
The dental semi-dry suction systems are designed for surgery and prosthesis, these systems also have a low operating cost.
The aspiration groups of semi-dry suction systems consist mainly by an air impeller, a centrifuge of separation and an electrical unit.

VS 300

For one dental unit and one user.

VS 600

For two dental units and three users.

VS 900

For three dental units and five users.

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For one workstation.


For two workstations.


With inverter, up to two workstations.


With inverter, up to three workstations.


With inverter, up to four workstations.

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